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- Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu comp.sys.acorn.announce:75 comp.sys.acorn:12768 news.answers:4663
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.announce,comp.sys.acorn,news.answers,comp.answers
- Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!snorkelwacker.mit.edu!stanford.edu!ames!haven.umd.edu!uunet!mcsun!sun4nl!star.cs.vu.nl!gpvos
- From: gpvos@cs.vu.nl (Gerben 'P' Vos)
- Subject: Acorn ftp and mail-server archives (fortnightly posting)
- Message-ID: <acorn-archives_724733103@galei.cs.vu.nl>
- Followup-To: poster
- Summary: All known Acorn-related archives on and around the Internet
- Keywords: acorn,archives,ftp,mail servers
- Sender: news@cs.vu.nl
- Supersedes: <acorn-archives_723523503@galei.cs.vu.nl>
- Organization: Fac. Wiskunde & Informatica, VU, Amsterdam
- Date: Sat, 19 Dec 1992 02:45:30 GMT
- Approved: aglover@acorn.co.uk,news-answers-request@mit.edu
- Expires: Sat, 16 Jan 1993 02:45:03 GMT
- Lines: 331
- Archive-name: acorn/archives
- Last-modified: 30 November 1992
- This is the regular list of archive servers that contain files related in
- any way to Acorn computers, i.e. the Atom, BBC, Electron, Archimedes and
- R-series, and maybe some even rarer types of machines. Mainly it's about the
- Archimedes, though. This list is maintained by Gerben Vos <gpvos@cs.vu.nl>.
- There is also a list with answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on the
- Acorn newsgroups. It is called the "Comp.Sys.Acorn FAQ List Posting", and the
- maintainer is Philip Banks <banks_p@kosmos.wcc.govt.nz>. You should be able to
- find it at the same place where you found this article.
- Now back to this list. For every server, the name and the type of files it
- contains is indicated, along with its numeric address in the case of Internet
- ftp servers and Janet pads, and the email address of the maintainer, if known.
- Below that follows a list of the directories to look for with a short
- description of their contents. The Newcastle server is an exception to this
- rule, since it has only one big flat directory.
- Below the main list is a short section which tells you how to use some
- services on networks you aren't directly connected to, e.g. Internet ftp from
- Bitnet or Janet, and Janet connection from the Internet. Don't abuse these
- inter-network connection services, they are already being heavily used and
- someone might decide they're too overloaded and shut them down.
- Also, when requesting files from servers, always try to use a server that is
- as near as possible to you. And keep in mind that the people running these
- machines are doing you a favour, so don't abuse or over-use their services.
- The mail server in Newcastle is constantly being swamped by requests. Use an
- alternative, if possible.
- Changes since the last update:
- - Updated the info on many servers.
- - info-server@comp.vuw.ac.nz has been closed down. Users within New Zealand
- can use ftp to actrix.gen.nz instead.
- Legend: A=Archimedes, B=BBC/Electron/Master, T=Text documents,
- *=new items in store since last month
- ?=couldn't reach it, may be temporarily down
- ============
- [ABT]? actrix.gen.nz ( (banks_p@kosmos.wcc.govt.nz, wright_j@kosmos.wcc.govt.nz)
- /files/archimedes/
- acorn Acorn modules, files and news
- archivers Archiving utilities
- CLIutils Non Desktop utilities
- comms Communications applications
- demos Demos
- desktop Desktop utilities
- editors Editor applications
- educate Educational applications
- emulators PD emulators for the Arc
- fileutils File utilities
- fonts Fonts/font applications
- games Games
- graphics Graphical tools/utilities
- languages PD languages for the Arc
- sound Music/sound applications
- printutils Printer utilities
- progutils Programming utilities
- unix Unix ports to the Arc and any RiscIx stuff
- virus Virus killer programs
- /files/bbc/
- archivers Archiving utilities
- comms Communications applications
- editors Editor applications
- educate Educational applications
- fileutils File utilities
- games Games
- graphics Graphical tools/utilities
- sound Music/sound applications
- printutils Printer utilities
- progutils Programming utilities
- This archive is *only* reachable from within New Zealand. It holds public
- domain software for all makes and types of Acorn machinery as well as the
- latest updates of release software from Acorn (Shared C Libraries and
- similar things).
- [A..] ftp.cs.kun.nl ( (hans@cs.kun.nl)
- /pub/ArMaTuReS: ArMaTuReS (TeX)
- This is probably not the newest version. See also rusinfo and Newcastle.
- [..T] ftp.eu.net ( (info-admin@eu.net)
- /newsarchive/comp/sources/acorn: Two months' worth of comp.sources.acorn
- [..T] ftp.nluug.nl ( (info-admin@nluug.nl)
- /pub/newsarchive/comp/sources/acorn: Two months' worth of comp.sources.acorn
- [A..] ftp.uni-kl.de ( (m_sattle@tangram.informatik.uni-kl.de)
- /pub/acorn/
- acorn Acorn libraries
- applications Complete packages
- beginner Tar and ?
- demos Demos
- education Educational programs
- games Games and cheats
- incoming Upload directory
- packers Archivers
- sound Sound utilities
- tools Miscellaneous utilities
- viruskiller Virus killers and detectors
- [A..] ftp.uni-koeln.de ( (archives@rrz.uni-koeln.de)
- /pub/thp/acorn: See ftp.thp.uni-koeln.de:/pub/acorn
- [A..] ftp.thp.uni-koeln.de ( (archives@rrz.uni-koeln.de)
- /pub/acorn/
- antivirus Anti-virus utilities
- archivers Archivers and decoders
- database Database programs
- desktoputils Desktop gadgets
- editors Editors
- fonts Fonts & font utilities
- fsutils Disk utilities & filing systems
- games Games
- graphics Graphics programs
- incoming Upload directory
- lang Languages, libraries and tips
- math Mathematical programs
- netutils BBS, terminal and UUCP programs
- sound Sounds utilities
- tex TeX distribution
- unixtools Many ported utilities & UnixLib
- [..T]* ftp.win.tue.nl ( (rcpieter@win.tue.nl)
- /pub/usenet/
- comp.sys.acorn: comp.sys.acorn archives
- comp.sys.acorn.advocacy: comp.sys.acorn.advocacy archives
- comp.sys.acorn.announce: comp.sys.acorn.announce archives
- comp.sys.acorn.tech: comp.sys.acorn.tech archives
- /pub/comp/sys/acorn.old: Old comp.sys.acorn archives
- [A..] isfs.kuis.kyoto-u.ac.jp ( (?)
- /.u2/oldnews/comp/binaries/acorn: comp.binaries.acorn archives
- /.u2/oldnews/comp/sources/acorn: comp.sources.acorn archives
- Unsure if these directories are still supported.
- [A..] isgate.is ( (archive-management@isgate.is)
- /pub/Usenet.bin/comp.binaries.acorn comp.binaries.acorn archives
- [AB.] kermit.columbia.edu ( (?)
- /kermit/
- a: Kermit for BBC+Z80 second processor
- c: BBC Kermit and 65C02 assembler,
- and Kermit for the Cambridge Workstation
- [..T]? lcs.mit.edu ( (?)
- /news/comp/binaries/acorn: A few days' worth of comp.binaries.acorn
- /news/comp/sources/acorn: A few days' worth of comp.sources.acorn
- /news/comp/sys/acorn: A few days' worth of comp.sys.acorn
- /news/eunet/micro/acorn: A few days' worth of eunet.micro.acorn
- [A.T]* metro.ucc.su.oz.au (, (s2105995@spectrum.cs.unsw.oz.au)
- /pub/archimedes: Archimedes programs
- /pub/archimedes/incoming: Upload directory.
- Largely a mirror of the Manchester archive.
- [AB.]* micros.hensa.ac.uk ( (hensa@micros.hensa.ac.uk)
- /micros/arch/riscos/a: Archimedes programs
- /micros/arch/riscos/tools: UUDecode, Arc, SparkPlug2
- /micros/bbc: 6502 programs
- /kermit/
- ac: Kermit for the Cambridge Workstation
- ar: Kermit for the Archimedes (under Arthur)
- bbc: Kermit for BBC B, B+, B+128 and Master
- cp: Kermit for BBC+Z80 second processor
- [A..]? reseq.regent.e-technik.tu-muenchen.de (, (ftp@e-technik.tu-muenchen.de)
- /public/GNU/News/gdb/acorn_arm: gdb (Acorn diffs only)
- [AB.]* rusinfo.rus.uni-stuttgart.de ( (scheurich@rus.uni-stuttgart.de, zrzm at ds0rus1i)
- /soft/acorn/
- 6502/beginner: Hexadecimal encoder/decoder
- 6502/lang: Languages (Assembler and Small-C)
- minix: ARM-Minix
- riscix/unixtools/gnu/gdb: gdb (Acorn diffs only)
- riscos/antivirus: Virus killers
- riscos/archivers: Some archivers
- riscos/beginner: Some of the same and other archivers
- riscos/comm: Communication packages and utilities
- riscos/comm/msdos-disk: MS-DOS disk readers
- riscos/editors: Editors
- riscos/etc: Miscellaneous
- riscos/lang: Languages, libraries, debuggers
- riscos/maths: Mathematical programs
- riscos/problems: Programming problems & answers
- riscos/unixtools: Many ported Unix and GNU tools
- riscos/util: Utilities and fonts
- riscos/util/sys: System utilities
- /soft/incoming/acorn: Upload directory
- /soft/tex/machines/acorn/riscos/
- oldtex: ArMaTuReS (TeX), old version
- texadditions: TeX-related files
- texupdate: Updates to the old version
- [.B.]* shiraz.ohm.york.ac.uk ( (ian@ohm.york.ac.uk)
- /pub/BBC BBC programs
- /pub/BBC/Submissions Upload directory
- This is the archive of the BBC mailing list, bbc-list@ohm.york.ac.uk .
- [A..] titania.mathematik.uni-ulm.de ( (borchert@mathematik.uni-ulm.de)
- /pub/soft/minix: ARM-Minix
- [AB.]? tolsun.oulu.fi ( (?)
- /incoming/acorn: BBC and Archimedes software
- /pub/acorn: BBC and Archimedes software, ularn
- I can't log in to this one at the moment.
- [A..]* uts.mcc.ac.uk ( (zzassgl@uts.mcc.ac.uk)
- /pub/riscos: Archimedes software
- /incoming/riscos: Upload directory
- All the software is public domain or shareware. Most of it has been
- archived with the !Spark 2 application. !SparkPlug 2 is available.
- =============
- [...] info-server@comp.vuw.ac.nz (banks_p@kosmos.wcc.govt.nz, wright_j@kosmos.wcc.govt.nz)
- Closed down. Users within New Zealand can use ftp to actrix.gen.nz instead.
- [A..]* info-server@newcastle.ac.uk (Albert.Koelmans@newcastle.ac.uk)
- topic: archimedes Lots of Archimedes programs
- Don't be fooled by the short listing of this archive; it has been a close
- companion to the Acorn newsgroups for many years and often has the latest
- versions. It contains public domain software for ARM based systems
- (Archimedes, A3000, Rxxx etc), mainly put together from Usenet postings and
- private submissions.
- The info server is currently in danger of falling victim to its own
- popularity (it's mailing out over a gigabyte per month at the moment).
- Use an alternative, if possible, and coordinate your requests with others.
- Requests are of the form:
- line-limit 1000
- request: sources
- topic: archimedes <filename>
- request: end
- An index is available under the filename "index". There is also an index of
- (ar)minix software available as "am_index", and a list of the last 50 files
- added to the archive as "tail_index".
- If you don't receive a reply, try including a Reply-To: line in your mail
- header, specifying your e-mail address (or edit your From: line). If that
- doesn't work, try specifying the domain part of your address in reverse
- order (e.g., gpvos@nl.vu.cs), or route it via a major Internet backbone,
- (e.g., gpvos%cs.vu.nl@mcsun.eu.net). Mailers in the UK generally get
- confused by addresses starting with "cs", which they think means
- "Czechoslovakia", but this can happen with any address which has a top level
- domain at both ends.
- [AB.]* archive-server@micros.hensa.ac.uk (hensa@micros.hensa.ac.uk)
- /micros/arch/riscos/a: See under "ftp servers".
- /micros/arch/riscos/tools: See under "ftp servers".
- /micros/bbc: See under "ftp servers".
- /kermit: See under "ftp servers".
- Requests are of the form:
- send <filename>
- You can obtain a help file using the single-word command "help".
- [AB.]* mail-server@rusinfo.rus.uni-stuttgart.de (scheurich@rus.uni-stuttgart.de, zrzm at ds0rus1i)
- /soft/acorn: See under "ftp servers".
- /soft/incoming/acorn: See under "ftp servers".
- /soft/tex/machines/acorn: See under "ftp servers".
- Requests are of the form:
- [uuencode] # Only for binary files
- send <filename> [<filename>...]
- Use "send /soft/acorn/riscos/README" and "send /soft/acorn/HOW2TRANSFER" for
- more information and an index. There are many options, use "help" for a
- summary, or "send help" for a detailed description of the archive server.
- ======================
- [AB.]* micros.hensa.ac.uk (numeric address 000010403000, login hensa)
- /micros/arch/riscos/a: See under "ftp servers".
- /micros/arch/riscos/tools: See under "ftp servers".
- /micros/bbc: See under "ftp servers".
- /kermit: See under "ftp servers".
- =============================
- If you can't use Internet ftp, there are servers which can do it for you.
- To find out how they work, send them a message containing just the word help.
- - ftpmail@decwrl.dec.com
- - bitftp@pucc.bitnet, or bitftp at pucc (only from within Bitnet)
- If you can't reach Janet telnet or pads from the Internet, try to use one of
- these access points by using telnet:
- - ruts2.runit.sintef.no ( (press return to see the prompt)
- - sun.nsfnet-relay.ac.uk ( (login janet)
- Note that there is now a Janet IP service, through which Internet users can use
- most Janet ftp servers, at least HENSA. There are also two gateways i heard of
- for people on Janet who want to use Internet ftp, one of which also works in
- the reverse direction. They are:
- - sun.nsfnet-relay.ac.uk ( (login guestftp, password guestftp)
- - ft-relay.ac.uk (using hhcp from Janet)
- More information can be obtained from uk.ac.janet.news (for Internet users:
- telnet to sun.nsfnet-relay.ac.uk (, login as janet, and enter
- uk.ac.janet.news as hostname).
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G e r b e n V o s <><
- Aconet: 8500/104!Gerben Vos Internet: gpvos@cs.vu.nl
- Contrary to popular belief, the programmers at Acorn do know what they are
- doing. -- Nicko van Someren