Internet Surfer: Getting Started
Internet Surfer - Getting Started (Wayzata Technology)(7231)(1995).bin
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Internet Message Format
Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu comp.sys.acorn.announce:75 comp.sys.acorn:12768 news.answers:4663
Newsgroups: comp.sys.acorn.announce,comp.sys.acorn,news.answers,comp.answers
Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!snorkelwacker.mit.edu!stanford.edu!ames!haven.umd.edu!uunet!mcsun!sun4nl!star.cs.vu.nl!gpvos
From: gpvos@cs.vu.nl (Gerben 'P' Vos)
Subject: Acorn ftp and mail-server archives (fortnightly posting)
Message-ID: <acorn-archives_724733103@galei.cs.vu.nl>
Followup-To: poster
Summary: All known Acorn-related archives on and around the Internet
Keywords: acorn,archives,ftp,mail servers
Sender: news@cs.vu.nl
Supersedes: <acorn-archives_723523503@galei.cs.vu.nl>
Organization: Fac. Wiskunde & Informatica, VU, Amsterdam
Date: Sat, 19 Dec 1992 02:45:30 GMT
Approved: aglover@acorn.co.uk,news-answers-request@mit.edu
Expires: Sat, 16 Jan 1993 02:45:03 GMT
Lines: 331
Archive-name: acorn/archives
Last-modified: 30 November 1992
This is the regular list of archive servers that contain files related in
any way to Acorn computers, i.e. the Atom, BBC, Electron, Archimedes and
R-series, and maybe some even rarer types of machines. Mainly it's about the
Archimedes, though. This list is maintained by Gerben Vos <gpvos@cs.vu.nl>.
There is also a list with answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on the
Acorn newsgroups. It is called the "Comp.Sys.Acorn FAQ List Posting", and the
maintainer is Philip Banks <banks_p@kosmos.wcc.govt.nz>. You should be able to
find it at the same place where you found this article.
Now back to this list. For every server, the name and the type of files it
contains is indicated, along with its numeric address in the case of Internet
ftp servers and Janet pads, and the email address of the maintainer, if known.
Below that follows a list of the directories to look for with a short
description of their contents. The Newcastle server is an exception to this
rule, since it has only one big flat directory.
Below the main list is a short section which tells you how to use some
services on networks you aren't directly connected to, e.g. Internet ftp from
Bitnet or Janet, and Janet connection from the Internet. Don't abuse these
inter-network connection services, they are already being heavily used and
someone might decide they're too overloaded and shut them down.
Also, when requesting files from servers, always try to use a server that is
as near as possible to you. And keep in mind that the people running these
machines are doing you a favour, so don't abuse or over-use their services.
The mail server in Newcastle is constantly being swamped by requests. Use an
alternative, if possible.
Changes since the last update:
- Updated the info on many servers.
- info-server@comp.vuw.ac.nz has been closed down. Users within New Zealand
can use ftp to actrix.gen.nz instead.
Legend: A=Archimedes, B=BBC/Electron/Master, T=Text documents,
*=new items in store since last month
?=couldn't reach it, may be temporarily down
[ABT]? actrix.gen.nz ( (banks_p@kosmos.wcc.govt.nz, wright_j@kosmos.wcc.govt.nz)
acorn Acorn modules, files and news
archivers Archiving utilities
CLIutils Non Desktop utilities
comms Communications applications
demos Demos
desktop Desktop utilities
editors Editor applications
educate Educational applications
emulators PD emulators for the Arc
fileutils File utilities
fonts Fonts/font applications
games Games
graphics Graphical tools/utilities
languages PD languages for the Arc
sound Music/sound applications
printutils Printer utilities
progutils Programming utilities
unix Unix ports to the Arc and any RiscIx stuff
virus Virus killer programs
archivers Archiving utilities
comms Communications applications
editors Editor applications
educate Educational applications
fileutils File utilities
games Games
graphics Graphical tools/utilities
sound Music/sound applications
printutils Printer utilities
progutils Programming utilities
This archive is *only* reachable from within New Zealand. It holds public
domain software for all makes and types of Acorn machinery as well as the
latest updates of release software from Acorn (Shared C Libraries and
similar things).
[A..] ftp.cs.kun.nl ( (hans@cs.kun.nl)
/pub/ArMaTuReS: ArMaTuReS (TeX)
This is probably not the newest version. See also rusinfo and Newcastle.
[..T] ftp.eu.net ( (info-admin@eu.net)
/newsarchive/comp/sources/acorn: Two months' worth of comp.sources.acorn
[..T] ftp.nluug.nl ( (info-admin@nluug.nl)
/pub/newsarchive/comp/sources/acorn: Two months' worth of comp.sources.acorn
[A..] ftp.uni-kl.de ( (m_sattle@tangram.informatik.uni-kl.de)
acorn Acorn libraries
applications Complete packages
beginner Tar and ?
demos Demos
education Educational programs
games Games and cheats
incoming Upload directory
packers Archivers
sound Sound utilities
tools Miscellaneous utilities
viruskiller Virus killers and detectors
[A..] ftp.uni-koeln.de ( (archives@rrz.uni-koeln.de)
/pub/thp/acorn: See ftp.thp.uni-koeln.de:/pub/acorn
[A..] ftp.thp.uni-koeln.de ( (archives@rrz.uni-koeln.de)
antivirus Anti-virus utilities
archivers Archivers and decoders
database Database programs
desktoputils Desktop gadgets
editors Editors
fonts Fonts & font utilities
fsutils Disk utilities & filing systems
games Games
graphics Graphics programs
incoming Upload directory
lang Languages, libraries and tips
math Mathematical programs
netutils BBS, terminal and UUCP programs
sound Sounds utilities
tex TeX distribution
unixtools Many ported utilities & UnixLib
[..T]* ftp.win.tue.nl ( (rcpieter@win.tue.nl)
comp.sys.acorn: comp.sys.acorn archives
comp.sys.acorn.advocacy: comp.sys.acorn.advocacy archives
comp.sys.acorn.announce: comp.sys.acorn.announce archives
comp.sys.acorn.tech: comp.sys.acorn.tech archives
/pub/comp/sys/acorn.old: Old comp.sys.acorn archives
[A..] isfs.kuis.kyoto-u.ac.jp ( (?)
/.u2/oldnews/comp/binaries/acorn: comp.binaries.acorn archives
/.u2/oldnews/comp/sources/acorn: comp.sources.acorn archives
Unsure if these directories are still supported.
[A..] isgate.is ( (archive-management@isgate.is)
/pub/Usenet.bin/comp.binaries.acorn comp.binaries.acorn archives
[AB.] kermit.columbia.edu ( (?)
a: Kermit for BBC+Z80 second processor
c: BBC Kermit and 65C02 assembler,
and Kermit for the Cambridge Workstation
[..T]? lcs.mit.edu ( (?)
/news/comp/binaries/acorn: A few days' worth of comp.binaries.acorn
/news/comp/sources/acorn: A few days' worth of comp.sources.acorn
/news/comp/sys/acorn: A few days' worth of comp.sys.acorn
/news/eunet/micro/acorn: A few days' worth of eunet.micro.acorn
[A.T]* metro.ucc.su.oz.au (, (s2105995@spectrum.cs.unsw.oz.au)
/pub/archimedes: Archimedes programs
/pub/archimedes/incoming: Upload directory.
Largely a mirror of the Manchester archive.
[AB.]* micros.hensa.ac.uk ( (hensa@micros.hensa.ac.uk)
/micros/arch/riscos/a: Archimedes programs
/micros/arch/riscos/tools: UUDecode, Arc, SparkPlug2
/micros/bbc: 6502 programs
ac: Kermit for the Cambridge Workstation
ar: Kermit for the Archimedes (under Arthur)
bbc: Kermit for BBC B, B+, B+128 and Master
cp: Kermit for BBC+Z80 second processor
[A..]? reseq.regent.e-technik.tu-muenchen.de (, (ftp@e-technik.tu-muenchen.de)
/public/GNU/News/gdb/acorn_arm: gdb (Acorn diffs only)
[AB.]* rusinfo.rus.uni-stuttgart.de ( (scheurich@rus.uni-stuttgart.de, zrzm at ds0rus1i)
6502/beginner: Hexadecimal encoder/decoder
6502/lang: Languages (Assembler and Small-C)
minix: ARM-Minix
riscix/unixtools/gnu/gdb: gdb (Acorn diffs only)
riscos/antivirus: Virus killers
riscos/archivers: Some archivers
riscos/beginner: Some of the same and other archivers
riscos/comm: Communication packages and utilities
riscos/comm/msdos-disk: MS-DOS disk readers
riscos/editors: Editors
riscos/etc: Miscellaneous
riscos/lang: Languages, libraries, debuggers
riscos/maths: Mathematical programs
riscos/problems: Programming problems & answers
riscos/unixtools: Many ported Unix and GNU tools
riscos/util: Utilities and fonts
riscos/util/sys: System utilities
/soft/incoming/acorn: Upload directory
oldtex: ArMaTuReS (TeX), old version
texadditions: TeX-related files
texupdate: Updates to the old version
[.B.]* shiraz.ohm.york.ac.uk ( (ian@ohm.york.ac.uk)
/pub/BBC BBC programs
/pub/BBC/Submissions Upload directory
This is the archive of the BBC mailing list, bbc-list@ohm.york.ac.uk .
[A..] titania.mathematik.uni-ulm.de ( (borchert@mathematik.uni-ulm.de)
/pub/soft/minix: ARM-Minix
[AB.]? tolsun.oulu.fi ( (?)
/incoming/acorn: BBC and Archimedes software
/pub/acorn: BBC and Archimedes software, ularn
I can't log in to this one at the moment.
[A..]* uts.mcc.ac.uk ( (zzassgl@uts.mcc.ac.uk)
/pub/riscos: Archimedes software
/incoming/riscos: Upload directory
All the software is public domain or shareware. Most of it has been
archived with the !Spark 2 application. !SparkPlug 2 is available.
[...] info-server@comp.vuw.ac.nz (banks_p@kosmos.wcc.govt.nz, wright_j@kosmos.wcc.govt.nz)
Closed down. Users within New Zealand can use ftp to actrix.gen.nz instead.
[A..]* info-server@newcastle.ac.uk (Albert.Koelmans@newcastle.ac.uk)
topic: archimedes Lots of Archimedes programs
Don't be fooled by the short listing of this archive; it has been a close
companion to the Acorn newsgroups for many years and often has the latest
versions. It contains public domain software for ARM based systems
(Archimedes, A3000, Rxxx etc), mainly put together from Usenet postings and
private submissions.
The info server is currently in danger of falling victim to its own
popularity (it's mailing out over a gigabyte per month at the moment).
Use an alternative, if possible, and coordinate your requests with others.
Requests are of the form:
line-limit 1000
request: sources
topic: archimedes <filename>
request: end
An index is available under the filename "index". There is also an index of
(ar)minix software available as "am_index", and a list of the last 50 files
added to the archive as "tail_index".
If you don't receive a reply, try including a Reply-To: line in your mail
header, specifying your e-mail address (or edit your From: line). If that
doesn't work, try specifying the domain part of your address in reverse
order (e.g., gpvos@nl.vu.cs), or route it via a major Internet backbone,
(e.g., gpvos%cs.vu.nl@mcsun.eu.net). Mailers in the UK generally get
confused by addresses starting with "cs", which they think means
"Czechoslovakia", but this can happen with any address which has a top level
domain at both ends.
[AB.]* archive-server@micros.hensa.ac.uk (hensa@micros.hensa.ac.uk)
/micros/arch/riscos/a: See under "ftp servers".
/micros/arch/riscos/tools: See under "ftp servers".
/micros/bbc: See under "ftp servers".
/kermit: See under "ftp servers".
Requests are of the form:
send <filename>
You can obtain a help file using the single-word command "help".
[AB.]* mail-server@rusinfo.rus.uni-stuttgart.de (scheurich@rus.uni-stuttgart.de, zrzm at ds0rus1i)
/soft/acorn: See under "ftp servers".
/soft/incoming/acorn: See under "ftp servers".
/soft/tex/machines/acorn: See under "ftp servers".
Requests are of the form:
[uuencode] # Only for binary files
send <filename> [<filename>...]
Use "send /soft/acorn/riscos/README" and "send /soft/acorn/HOW2TRANSFER" for
more information and an index. There are many options, use "help" for a
summary, or "send help" for a detailed description of the archive server.
[AB.]* micros.hensa.ac.uk (numeric address 000010403000, login hensa)
/micros/arch/riscos/a: See under "ftp servers".
/micros/arch/riscos/tools: See under "ftp servers".
/micros/bbc: See under "ftp servers".
/kermit: See under "ftp servers".
If you can't use Internet ftp, there are servers which can do it for you.
To find out how they work, send them a message containing just the word help.
- ftpmail@decwrl.dec.com
- bitftp@pucc.bitnet, or bitftp at pucc (only from within Bitnet)
If you can't reach Janet telnet or pads from the Internet, try to use one of
these access points by using telnet:
- ruts2.runit.sintef.no ( (press return to see the prompt)
- sun.nsfnet-relay.ac.uk ( (login janet)
Note that there is now a Janet IP service, through which Internet users can use
most Janet ftp servers, at least HENSA. There are also two gateways i heard of
for people on Janet who want to use Internet ftp, one of which also works in
the reverse direction. They are:
- sun.nsfnet-relay.ac.uk ( (login guestftp, password guestftp)
- ft-relay.ac.uk (using hhcp from Janet)
More information can be obtained from uk.ac.janet.news (for Internet users:
telnet to sun.nsfnet-relay.ac.uk (, login as janet, and enter
uk.ac.janet.news as hostname).
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G e r b e n V o s <><
Aconet: 8500/104!Gerben Vos Internet: gpvos@cs.vu.nl
Contrary to popular belief, the programmers at Acorn do know what they are
doing. -- Nicko van Someren